Following is an open letter to Canadians from Dr. Jack Layton, leader of the New Democratic Party, who died on Monday August 22, 2011:
For the 30 years I knew Jack Layton, perhaps his most beguiling trait was his unpredictable yet inexorable evolution.
An Open Letter to the Toronto District School Board about the Commemoration of 9/11
The weekly Muslim prayer at a Toronto public school thats said to constitute an imminent threat to Canadian secularism has been going on for 11 years, with nary a complaint.
After nearly a decade since the 9/11 tragedy, I grew frustrated awaiting the Canadian government's acknowledgement of what I believe are its ties to the terrorists who orchestrated the event. In an effort to remedy the situation, I have written an open letter to our Minister of Public Safety explaining the event and what followed.
There are things not to like about Ontario Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty. Perhaps the most worrying are his unconstitutional G20 legislation, the cruel application of that law, and his refusal to institute a public inquiry into the events surrounding the conference. Then there are the financial constraints imposed on the Children's Aid Societies without any guidelines as to where to cut back. Thus, when things go wrong, all the blame can be shifted onto the CAS's. His bail-out for corporations but not for workers' pensions is another strike against him. One could go on.
Adil Charkaoui and Abousfian Abdelrazik have each spent years battling to clear their names. Both have essentially fought their own government to restore their rights and have found freedom after long journeys through the Canadian justice system. But someone is not giving up the fight.
As we witness the rioting in the UK, as part of global phenomena of disaffected peoples expressing their grievances, often in destructive ways; and authorities responding by "cracking the whip," we're witnessing a continuous cycle with no apparent end in sight.
Canada has gone from success to success in Afghanistan. Too bad that it has lost. It has captured one area after another and defeated the Taliban in all the major encounters. No wonder our military leaders talk of the end of the Taliban being clearly in sight. Yet, the areas have a marked tendency to fall back into enemy hands when Canadian forces leave.
One thing I like about the summer months, other than the long days and sunshine, is the inevitable buffet of summer movies. Although most of the movies during the summer often aren't the most "artistic", they usually are fun and exciting and worth seeing on the big screen. However, sometimes one of these movies surprises me and actually makes me think.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.