Stephen Harper never used to talk about a majority. Now he's practically begging for one. Can he win it?
Here are 20 reasons why Harper must go on May 2nd for Canada's sake:
Since Harper's defeat by the House of Commons, many have said the election is a waste of money. They may be asleep at a turning point of Canadian history. Harper now assumes he can do anything.
"I lived with these young revolutionaries in Cairo's Tahrir Square. They are the ones behind the largest successful peaceful revolution in modern history. They were calling - peacefully - for democracy, liberty and social justice. They put their slogan 'Selmia Selmia Peaceful Peaceful' in practice even when they faced brutal force by police killing hundreds of them," said Dr. Mohamed Elmasry, professor of Computer Engineering at Canada's University of Waterloo, who added his voice to a grassroots campaign to nominate the Egyptian people for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize.
A vote for the Tories this time could mean the end of Canada as we know it.
Libyan Canadians and their supporters gathered across the street from the office building where Libya has offices comprising its embassy. They were there in support of the uprising and to demand that Gadhafi leave. They waved flags, hoisted placards, chanted slogans, and listened to speakers.
The United States, with its fixed election dates every two years, seems to have an election campaign underway at all times. If, for example, someone is thinking of running for a Senate seat in Nov. 2012, he must start early in 2011.
In the early days of the demonstrations of people power on Arab streets it could have been said (some did say) that they were a huge setback for all the various forces of violent Islamic extremism. This because the demonstrations, in Egypt especially, seemed to be sending a clear signal - that change could be brought about by peaceful means on a non-sectarian basis. But...
The BDS campaign (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) takes various forms. Sometimes the focus is on Israel as such, and sometimes it has a more limited focus. The Carleton University group, Students Against Israeli Apartheid, has focused on the university's pension plan, calling for divestment from corporations doing business in the Occupied Territories, not hitting more broadly at all those doing business in Israel.
Dear The Canadian Charger: I discovered you while seeking to determine which progressive sites are following the ongoing attack on free speech currently underway at Queen's University.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.