Mr. Premier: With great dismay I read your comments in The Globe and Mail story "McGuinty refuses to apologize over G-20 fence law."
Yoav Shamir's documentary Defamation has been added to The Canadian Charger's recommended summer book/movie list. The film is a must-see for anyone wanting to understand how Zionist Jews manufacture fear, and teach Israeli schoolchildren to hate.
To Dr. Mohamed Elmasry, Founder Islamic History Month Canada:
Richard Fadden, Director of the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS), has stirred up a hornets' nest in saying that foreign influence is being exercised by two premiers and by municipal officials in British Columbia.
Ever since a group of ordinary people from more than 40 different countries came together and set sail for Gaza have we seen various world leaders scramble to persuade Israel to lift the blockade on Gaza. Why? To honour the memory of those martyred by Israeli soldiers who shot nine unarmed peace activists at virtually point-blank range? Hell no!
It seems that whenever Muslims gather in large numbers, Canada's media hatemongers resort to rants full of played-out post-9/11 suspicion and xenophobia.
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A July 1st Toronto Star letter to the editor, by Dimitri N. Soudas, Director of Communications, Office of the Prime Minister, is entitled "No role in keeping media away - Re Harper helps Hu keep critics away, June 25" (Toronto Star), but this may not be the whole story. My attempt to gain access to Prime Minister Harper, at the G20, Saturday, June 26, indicates that there is a lot more to it than Mr. Soudas is letting on.
There is good news and bad news for Palestinians.
On July 31, The Canadian Charger will celebrate its first birthday.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.