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  • November 29, 1947William James Martin
    December 5, 2011

    November 29, 1947 was the date the UN passed the Partition Resolution partitioning Palestine, more or less equally, into a Jewish and an Arab state.

  • Obama and Israel's securityAlan Hart
    December 5, 2011

    If American election campaign funders who support Israel right or wrong formed a circle and demanded that President Obama stand naked in the middle of it while they sang Hava Nagila ("Let us rejoice"), I am sure he would agree to do so. That thought came into my mind when I read the Reuters' report, published in Ha'aretz, of what Obama said to a group of fundraisers in the Manhattan home of Jack Rosen, chairman of the American Jewish Congress.

  • Is criticism of Israel or Zionism anti-Semitic?The Canadian Charger
    November 27, 2011

    London Immigration lawyer Ed Corrigan said his libel case against Will Hector for calling him "one of the worst anti-Semites in Canada and an idiotic spammer," in an email to the Law Union of Ontario (LUO) List forum, will be a precedent setting legal decision on the question: "is criticism of Israel or Zionism anti-Semitic?"

  • Mental health of immigrantsThe Canadian Charger
    November 27, 2011

    Providing mental health services to immigrants and refugees is a particular challenge because of the need to understand and deal appropriately with cultural factors different from the Western Judaeo-Christian cultures that Western psychiatry is familiar with. But that is not all. According to Dr. G. Eric Jarvis, a psychiatry professor at McGill, "The patient may be influenced by more than one culture. There is the culture from before immigration as well as the culture which he is more or less integrating into in his new home."

  • Israeli democracy fades to blackProfessor Lawrence Davidson
    November 27, 2011

    Part I - Bad Movies

  • Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimesMahi Ramakrishnan
    November 27, 2011

    A Malaysian tribunal has found former US President George W. Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair guilty of committing crimes against humanity during the Iraq war, Press TV reported.

  • Health Canada unhealthy for CanadiansScott Stockdale
    November 27, 2011

    While most of the developed world has banned the export of asbestos and put restrictions on the use of wireless devices due to health concerns, the Canadian government has done nothing to protect people's health.

  • The Arab Spring - hello or goodbye to democracy?Alan Hart
    November 27, 2011

    Israeli democracy fades to black (the black of the blank screen at the end of a film). That was the headline over a recent article by Lawrence Davidson, an American professor of Middle East history. He argued that the suppression of the democratic rights of non-Jews in Israel is coming full circle with Prime Minister Netanyahu's Likudniks and settlers now targeting the rights of Jews as well.

  • Another view: Egypt's unfinished revolution New York Times Editorial
    November 27, 2011

    More than 100,000 Egyptians did not intend to risk their lives in Tahrir Square last winter just to see another military-backed tyranny.

  • Mental Health Policy for NewcomersReuel S. Amdur
    November 27, 2011

    According to Farah Mawani, international studies have shown that immigrants and refugees have higher rates of mental health problems, and the problems may increase over time. She is a Ph.D. student at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto and was speaking at St. Paul University in Ottawa at the "Cultural Diversity & Mental Illness" conference of Healthcare Canada on November 18. She recently completed a contract with the Mental Health Commission of Canada.

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